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Dairy products, Beef, Pork, Chicken,

and Bakery items in West Michigan!

Direct to Home delivery is NOW available!



Country Dairy, Inc. is a family-owned business that has been processing and bottling milk in West Michigan since 1983.

We control the entire process.

We are a producer-handler, which means that we own and control the entire process—from our herd of registered Holsteins, to our modern processing plant, to the gallon of milk on your store shelf. By doing this, we provide you the freshest and best tasting milk—straight from our farm!

Produced Without rBST or GMOs

Country Dairy believes you have the right to choose milk—or any other food product—based on how it is produced. People across Michigan have told us that they want to choose dairy products from cows that are:

  • Not treated with rBST, more commonly known as Bovine Growth Hormone. Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST) received FDA approval for use in dairy cattle in February of 1994. By injecting cows with this synthetic hormone, dairy farmers can increase a cow’s production by as much as twenty percent. Country Dairy has never—ever—treated its cows with rBST.
  • Fed certified non-GMO feed: GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are food sources created using genetic modification/engineering techniques.

We’re a family-owned business that’s committed to doing what’s best both for our customers and our cows!

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